Big Ideas in Little Pictures - The End before the Beginning

Here is the first of our series of ‘Big Ideas in Little Pictures’.  My aim was to take some of the more profound ideas in the talks with David Hart and package them in accessible sketches.  

This first sketch concentrates on the counter intuitive idea that God (since He is eternal and not bound by time) created from the End not the Beginning.  I explain that - no matter how strange this may seem - this is a cognitive experience that we humans share in our experience of life and planning. My aim is to make these critical ideas come alive and give us all vocabulary and a conceptual map to revel in them and explain them.  The world needs this ‘creation ex nihilo’ story and we need to be able to tell it.

Finally apologies that this is later than I promised in getting published.  My dear wife and I moved house late last year after 25 years and it has taken up most of my time and energy.

Tony Golsby-Smith

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